Desde ICEA nos hacemos eco del listado de enlaces que ha elaborado la Union for Radical Political Economics ( sobre la actual crisis económica mundial. Los siguientes enlaces incluyen algunos artículos de miembros de URPE.
Los enlaces están en inglés y se pueden consultar en la siguiente dirección y en esta misma noticia apretando leer más.
Current Economic Crisis
The following sites include many articles by URPE members.
Web Pages on the Current Economic Crisis
Brecht Forum, NYC
Brecht Forum Economy Watch
Center for Popular Economics
CPEers on the Current Economic Crisis
Dollars and Sense Magazine
Ongoing Coverage of the Financial Crisis, print and web
IDEAS (International Development Economics Associates)
Monthly Review
Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown, current plus earlier years
Radical Perspectives on the Crisis
WARNING! Site can crash older browsers.
Rethinking Finance
Sponsored by an international group of civil society organizations
(liberal as well as radical perspectives)
Rethinking Marxism
Rethinking Marxism Special Issue, Aug. 2008
Socialist Project (Canada)
Financial Crisis Analysis and Resources
Wright State University Heterodox Economists
An Internet Guide to Understanding the Financial Crisis
Websites with Articles on the Crisis – Search These Sites
Center for Economic and Policy Research
The Indypendent (NYC radical newspaper)
Primer on the Crisis by Arun Gupta and Max Fraad Wolff , plus other articles
Monthly Review and Monthly Review Zine
The Nation Magazine
October 13, 2008, "Bailout Nation" (several articles)
PERI Political Economy Research Institute
Home page and other articles
Thomas Palley – Economics for Democratic and Open Societies
United for a Fair Economy
Mixture of progressive and mainstream articles on the economic crisis.
Site includes reports on inequality, including racial inequality and the economic crisis.
Foreclosed: State of the Dream 2008